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Women In Finance Charter has always had the mission of supporting UK businesses through the wider provision of finance to those that need it. Recently we extended our mission to publicly pushing for gender diversity in all businesses, and specifically those in financial services.

In March 2018, we signed the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter, marking our commitment to improving gender diversity in our industry, through supporting the progression of women in senior roles within our organisation. We have reinforced our commitment to ensuring gender diversity within our firm by having a senior member of our team, specifically responsible for diversity and inclusion; meeting internal targets for diversity; publishing progress reports against these targets annually; and, linking pay of the senior executive team to delivery of our targets.

women in finance

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives and Targets

● Gender-balanced recruitment

We are committed to a gender-balanced recruitment process. We work closely with our HR department and seek to achieve as far as possible balanced shortlists. Our interview panels are comprised of a diverse and broad range of team members. We try and proactively generate interest among suitable female candidates for any new or vacant positions at senior executive and line manager levels.

● Family-friendly policies and work practices remains committed to and actively promotes its flexible working policies to all staff and regularly reviews these in line with employment law and best practices.

● Increase percentage of female senior executives

The firm is committed to increasing the percentage of females in senior management and executive positions to 50% by December 2020.