Our Mission
rebuildingsociety.com is born from the attitude that people want transparency, trust and purpose from financial services. An increasing number of people care about how their money is used in society. Many people are taking control of their finances.
We’re also a firm believer in transparency and choice. We’ve worked hard to maintain high levels of transparency in everything we do. We believe we have the most informative and open loan profiles, allowing for better-informed decisions. Unlike many other platforms, we offer choice, with a variety of options. We are regulated and authorised by the FCA.

Our Story
With over 10 years of trading history, we’ve seen the market expand rapidly, we’ve also traded successfully through Covid and seen the sector mature following the regulator’s post-implementation review.
We began accepting loan applications in September 2012 and funded our first deal in January 2013. In February 2017, we were one of the first platforms to receive full FCA authorisation and shortly thereafter launched our Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) accounts, enabling investors to benefit from the tax savings offered by the ISA wrapper.
Today we’ve facilitated over £37m in loans from more than 660 UK SMEs.
Finance Committee (FC)
The terms of reference stipulate that FC is responsible for overseeing that the firm is adequately financed. The FC meets monthly to review management accounts and CFF to ensure the firm is adequately funded. They are also responsible for assisting the firm with fundraising activity and reporting any concerning matters to the board for review.
Risk and Compliance Committee (RCC)
The RCC meets weekly to discuss key current organisational risks and their development. On a monthly basis, the RCC will review all risks on the firm’s risk register and track any changes to the identification of new risks, additional controls for existing risks, and steps taken to mitigate current risks. The firm maintains a comprehensive Risk Management Framework. The Chairman Matthew Doyle sits on the RCC, which is also periodically attended by NXD Richard McGrail.

Credit Risk Committee (CRC)
The CRC meets on a quarterly basis to review the loanbook performance. Any defaults are back-tested to identify areas for improvement in respect of credit risk analysis. Suggested modifications to the firm’s credit risk model are also discussed and reviewed. The firm considers credit risk pricing and the strength of security arranged on loans. A NXD sits on the CAAC for independent oversight at least once a year to ensure the CRC functions effectively.
Cryptoasset Assessment Committee (CAAC)
The CAAC meets weekly to discuss the firm’s approach to crypto risk analysis and Due Diligence. The CAAC closely monitors the cryptoassets it has identified for tracking along with the performance of the crypto firms with which it is engaged. The CAAC discusses S21 applications and reviews them against the screening checks identified in the S21 Oversight Framework. The CAAC inputs into the internal reports which are presented to the RCC or Board for review & approval. A NXD sits on the CAAC for independent oversight.