Lending to businesses is an accessible, reliable and productive way of investing money. You’ll be directly supporting the UK economy, helping SMEs grow and creating a sustainable business community.
You can lend using a normal lending account or make use of our Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) account. Lend via the primary marketplace in new loans, or buy loan parts from other users to employ your capital immediately. You can lend as little as £10 to any business.
Lending to business is not without risk; please consider these before investing. Businesses may at times struggle to make repayments and may ultimately default on the loan. If this happens, your capital and unpaid interest is at risk.
I put my first £10 (the minimum investment amount) into the system in March 2014. This £10 formed the part of loan which went ahead and the repayments plus the interest rate paid back to me monthly.
Loans that make it to the marketplace are of varying risk.
We reject approximately 90% of all applications received. Every business loan application that we receive is reviewed, and we apply our ever-evolving credit risk assessment process to each one. Once approved, each loan is assigned a corresponding risk rating.
It is important to remember that despite our best efforts, some businesses may still fail to repay their loans. You should always review loan profiles carefully before deciding to invest, and we recommend that you build a diversified portfolio.
If a loan does default, we will attempt to collect the debt on your behalf through our Debt Recovery Process.
Lenders and borrowers on rebuildingsociety.com form part of a strong and growing community, committed to supporting the UK economy.
Lenders are encouraged to support the businesses they lend to beyond the financial transaction of the loan. We encourage collaboration and support that will help businesses prosper in the long term. You can support the businesses by:
Interacting with the directors on the discussion forum
Swapping a current supplier with a business you have lent to
Encourage your friends to adjust their purchasing habits too
Balance your risk appetite and the cost with the company’s ability to pay
There is no cost for withdrawing your funds. If you need to divest to free up some money, you can divest from loans that you hold via the Secondary Market*. Withdrawal requests are precessed within 48 hours or twoworking days.
*Divesting relies on supply and demand of secondary market. We cannot guarantee a time frame in which you will be able to fully divest.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch and speak to one of our friendly customer support team
Call: 0113 8150 244 (Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 17:30)
Email: support@rebuildingsociety.com
Visit our comprehensive FAQs page