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Your Loan Updates Are Now More Streamlined and Accessible

You asked, and we listened. We've rolled out new features that make it easy for you to get updates about loans you're active on via your dashboard and throughout the site. This is part of a broader strategy to improve the updates and communications our lenders receive about loans pre-completion, post-completion, and on the unfortunate occasion that they fall into arrears. This new feature will improve access to updates on loans you have bid on as well as completion and repayment information. Information about the status of loans you've participated in is now available right on your user dashboard through the Loan Updates Tab, making it easy to see when there's new activity on a loan that you should know about - including info on how we're recovering any late payments: You can also see these Updates on individual loan profiles under a separate Loan Updates tab - making it easier for you to distinguish between in-depth discussions and vital information pertaining to a loan's progress: We're delighted to bring these improvements to your lender experience, and - as always - if you have any feedback, please email

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